Autism has many challenges with communication being a huge obstacle for many children. They are many forms of alternate communication such as sign language, gestures, PECS -Picture Exchange Communication System, a speech-output device like computers or a iPad-based speech device. Good communication is essential to children on the autism spectrum and helps children request what they want which helps minimize meltdowns.
Our son Luke uses the PECS system right now. Sign language has been so hard for him due to his lack of imitation. He did learn a few signs, but still requires a lot of prompting for him to do them. He uses PECS very well in getting what he wants. His ABA therapist and their program has helped him with learning PECS. Seeing Luke using his pictures to express his wants and needs is priceless. I am so thankful for his therapist that have helped him thus far. When Luke brings me a picture and looks at me with his bright eyes and big smile my heart just melts.
We have a lot of pictures and we must keep several made because over time the pictures can get worn or tore. I had to get a organizational system together that would be easy for me to find so I can update his PECS book.
I bought one large plastic jewelry box organizer and one small jewelry organizer with removable dividers. This helps so much with organizing and you can see the pictures clearly through it.
3 ring binder for PECS Organizing
A 3 ring binder with coupon inserts or baseball card inserts is another idea to organize all those pictures.
As a “on the go mom” being organized as much as you can is a must have. A child with autism requires so much more attention, patience, and lots of energy. Anything that can help you stay organized or more on track will help your child as well. Children on the autism spectrum tend to want strict routines and rituals to help provide order during constantly changing environments and staying organized can help so much.