child holding brown and green wooden animal toys

Motivating Learning Activities for Kids

Kids learn at different times and learns in different ways. Learning especially can be challenging for children with autism. Below are some activities that have helped my son so much!


Items needed:

Memory Game, a empty wipe container with a pop up lid, or a box with a slit in the top big enough for a memory card to go through.

Activity #1:

On a table place one card facing your child and then show them the other matching card and say “match.” You can start with how many you feel your child would understand. I started with one and then increased the field to 2 and so on. You can keep increasing the amount of cards you have on the table so your child can start to learn how to scan the cards. Scanning is a great skill for a child who is non-verbal, because one day that could help with other forms of communication such as the Assistive Technology Device and Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS system).

Activity #2:

Gather the memory cards and a wipe box container or other box with a slit in the top. Show one card at a time to the child and say what the picture is on the card and have them put the card in the container. Most children love to do this and it gives them an opportunity to look at you while you are handing the card to them and saying what is on the card. Good eye contact is hard for most children with autism so this is one way to help them and it is great for fine motor skills too!!!

Activity #3:

Container Put In

My son loves to put items into a container. I like to switch up the items and then show him and say what each item is. I name the color and what the item is. It can help with language and speech skills.